Monday, May 9, 2022

Getting ready for another week ahead/Simple positive habits I like to follow #mentalhealthweek

It is Monday again #mentalhealthweek and today it flew by and here I am in my evening clothes waiting to have some dinner and so I do have some positive habits when it becomes to a new week.

1. I always set an alarm later than the time I get up of a morning. This helps me to wake up early believe it or not and will play some music, along with taking a shower and start it off being cold, and then hot. I would like to take cold showers but I have to do this one step at a time. 

2. I have breakfast. I can't do anything in the mornings until I have my cup of tea and a bit of breakfast, even if it is cereal, but no longer have something too late in the evenings or late morning. This helps me to set up my day, and fueled. 

3. I walk each day. It is a distance between the high street to where I live and so use it to build up my steps each day. It is a great way to explore and get fit without needing the gym. 

4. Selfcare. Today I shaved my hair above my lip as it does effect my confidence and shower using lovely nice shower gel and tomorrow I want to shave my legs and the next day going to wash my hair. I like to look after myself and would recommend it. 

5. Get a good amount of sleep. I need 8 hours now and so make sure I get it. Often writing blogs, creating videos and work on book, and walking, etc tires me out so I now go to bed about 8 each night and get a good amount to be totally refreshed the next day.

What habits do you, please comment below.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

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