Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Managing my life as a mum

I love being a mum, as my son is a real character but he loves it when I play sports with him and when I make his dinner, and feel in some way sad as he is growing, but it is important to me to also have time for myself, so I can give him my full attention. 

When he was a lot younger it would be full on and when they become toddlers they will want to put their hand down the toilet, flood the bathroom playing with the taps and chucking his pooh across the room.

The one thing that I do like to manage is meal times. There was a time that my son would eat his dinner first and then we'd, my husband and I would then have ours, but for me I like to have a meal together. This helped with him moving from his table during meal time. This helped with planning meals that were healthy and what we could have, as his appetite grew. 

I like also to have lunch when he is at school on my own at times and catch up on Youtube or watching TV. I like to spend time reading and writing. I now get up early whilst my sons in bed to get things done, and at one time was using the evenings, but felt it would take a lot to switch off so like to do it in the morning then it is done and can then concentrate on getting my son ready for school. 

Once he has gone to school I will go for a walk or start my day going through what I need to do for the week or day and ticking off and finish for around 2pm, so I am not on my laptop all day and make dinner and watch a bit of TV or read and spend time with my son, who will do some reading and then it is bed time. 

I always plan the night before and journal. I will make sure I have gotten myself washed and cleaned, aswell as my son and have a good nights sleep. 

He has always been an early bird, well from about when he was a month old and never sleeps in, further than 6am. It means managing my time constructively and wisely. 

It means having clothes out that I can grab and has made me more organised, even though I can still be untidy and that my son puts his stuff away and items like clothes are in a place he can grab and put on with little fuss. 

I avoid buttons at the moment, as he finds using bottoms tricky, but make sure it is a poppers or zips that easy to use, or have him have a t-shirt on and a jumper that he can just put over his head. The same with bottoms. 

When it comes to tidying up, make sure we all are responsible for this and keep the home tidy. He will tidy away his plates and cups, and if you want them to do this naturally, to start them early in teaching them this habit and they will just do it without being prompted, and be like drinking water or breathing, so they know to take all plates, bowls and cutlery in the kitchen near the sink. 

The more they can look after themselves the better. I need to take a further step back, but learning and often he will say he will do it himself, so I need to just allow him the space to do that, and chill. 

So it is a juggling act but would not change it for the world, being a mum and watching my son grow gives me so much pleasure. 

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Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Getting my life together

I have had time to really look at myself and look at my life as a mum and generally to really work on different areas of my life. 

Building relationships, like money and my self image. I no longer am self critical and thankful for who I am and want to be. It has taken a long time. I write a blog called Building Self Confidents The Ugly Duckling, and how my happiness with my self image has taken a lot of work, and not alone in having such feelings. 

With money, not spending a lot and now check my bank account everyday and give myself a £100 allowance each month and budget on where my money goes and cancelling Debits and subscriptions I no longer use and have a spreadsheet to monitor where my moneys gone each week. I use Excel, may bank app and my Filofax to monitor my expenses and save. 

I also write a blog called Organize4thebetter and have written about getting my life together on that platform and was one of my first blogs I wrote, because I never used to be organized and something I have had to work on as I can live in a mess and I have hoarded and now changing that habit. I want to use what I have already got and do a regular declutter, as it really helps my wellbeing and to be able to enjoy what I own and life isn't having lots of stuff. 

Then there is food. I can easily eat a lot of biscuits but this is changing. I have gotten fed up of snacking and gain control of my eating habits. Today I made sure I had a good breakfast and didn't snack, but when my son was home, he had some cheeselets and I caved, but had a good lunch with a baguette and apple and so going to make fuller lunches, and plan my meals again. 

Every good habit I add to my life, can help be the person I wish to be and not for anyone else, but for me and putting my needs first because I want to make sure I have energy to play sports with my son and take him to different places and build his hobbies and being thankful that I have a good supportive family and many don't and stop my begrudging feelings are put to rest and feel proud of my family and friends doing well and that I show up and be me. 

So I hope this blog helps you to Getting your life together and lower the expectation and give yourself credit and build on your habits, to be the person you want to be and have a life you can love.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X  

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Getting tasks out of the way to free up time to relax

I today went for my morning walk, and got a phone call regarding a job I may be doing, and felt inner fear like  "Will this be good or bad?" but it was okay just had to do a few more tasks and going to get these done by tomorrow if it is truly possible. 

Check out new Vlog for 2024: 

There are times I want to avoid certain tasks, and I know once it is done I will feel better, example I like doing vlogs but find it a challenge to edit them to appeal to my audience, and that they are real and raw, but would take a whole day.

Now I have got a new laptop, thanks to my mum, it has made the process better, but because it took all day, it would fill me with dread. So I break tasks up, and be realistic of how long it will take, and if there other tasks that are more important, like in the mornings I will get my son ready for school, get myself dressed and have breakfast. 

Breaking tasks up, helps stop you from being overwhelmed and if know you need help, then ask someone all they can say is no, and if they do, don't be discouraged, but keep looking. I am going to find a good editor, and a front cover artist, as I write books, check out my current book, which you can buy from amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mum-Me-Gucci-Tits-Virtue-ebook/dp/B0BGSS7H9K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=11Y2WQ18Z9OG8&keywords=mum+%26+me+carrie+holmes&qid=1703597598&s=books&sprefix=Mum%26Me+Carrie%2Cstripbooks%2C54&sr=1-1  

I today needed a bit of advice as my son has a Residential trip coming and had to apply but was worried about it, because he still has accidents at night time, but hoping as we are trying all we can to nip that in the bud, and so, it is good to have someone you can speak to help worry over things. 

It now is the time to plan our year and I did a printable on my blog site, everyone can build a castle, where you can download my Kick start your life in 2024 printable: https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com/2023/12/28/who-are-you-and-what-do-you-want-to-become-in-2024/

I each week doing a cheat sheet on that blog too check out my first one in this blog: https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com/2023/12/28/who-are-you-and-what-do-you-want-to-become-in-2024/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X